Monday, March 23

Babies, Bonfires, and BURNS

so we had a bonfire the other day and there were lots of people over like the abrews,the pintos,the snells,tysons friend jake whatever his last name is and tyson created this SUPRISE get together ,no idea anyone was coming out,and there were babys GALLORE!but once every body was gone it was just tysons family,morgans family,and my family,and i triped INTO THE FIRE PIT!crazy right? well i can only get it in clean water wich means no boogy boarding or swiming at the beach :( :( :( :( call me to talk to me about it here are some pics


my burn is worse than it looks!


Darcy said...

ouch! Glad you are alright! Have fun at the beach we will miss being there :(

Tomato and Tordle said...

ouch! all i can say is ouch!