Wednesday, December 16

Life-ish Lately..

farpity farpity farpity hows your farp? you wouldn't understand right well anyways at lunch tomorrow we're having potluck! i'm bringing soda kateltyn is bringing cups and napkins alex is bringing del taco (cuz shes mexican!) XD jk her mom works there so ya and patra is bringing asian stuff because shes asian and amanda is going to bring random snacks.okay so on to christmas for christmas i want the in-styler, black old skool vans(im size 10 in women) , um farp I DONT KNOW ummmmmmmmmm lets see okay Boogy Board , Clothes (from charlotte russe wet seal and SOME clothes from hot topic only SOME, then i want flippers to go with the boogie board,some new booad shorts,a new bathing suit, Rise Against tee shirt ,new moon sound track,NEW paramore cd,rise against cds, itunes gift card, sneakers i dont quite know what color not gray white would get dirty maybe black and i want original all-stars not airwalk ones.

Thursday, November 26

1 year anniversery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the 1 year anniversary of my Blog!!!!!!!! yay! And my first order of business is to say happy thanksgiving and if all goes well i'll have pictures on here by tonight. Well anyways have a good turkey day (Even though i would much rather be eating some medium rare VENISON instead of stupid TURKEY!)

Monday, November 2

Yay! Christmas

i'm excited for christmas to come.I'm gonna start making my christmas list soon its all gonna be music and stuff XD.Right well i have to go to sleep now.Just thought i'd put this up a little update about myself.(Tell me what you think about christmas coming up soon).

Friday, October 30

Halloween, church party

I went to the church party for halloween, and took amanda with me. we were late of course and i felt dumb so cassandra did my makeup in the bathroom really quick. amanda was raggedy ann and i was the angel of death..

Monday, September 14

fun sleep over with the f.a.r.p. group

OK so my friends and i have this amazing group i made and its called farp

its super amazing right?We use farp as an adjective also like Well we have sleepovers almost every weekend and this weekend it was at Amanda's.So when we slept over on Friday we didn't sleep... We played poker,twister,truth or truth and balcony jumping(it was just her stairs but we jumped of them anyways).So any ways we stayed up all night and we watched TV a little ate pizza,goldfish,Cheetos,frosted flakes,croissant breakfast sandwiches And then we drank Coca Cola,water,pineapple juice,orange juice,and coffee milk (its actually just coffee creamer and milk you should try it) i only have pictures during the day but we went to the park at 6:00 am and watched the sunrise and we played with these to little kids it was really fun AND before we had done anything we went to stater bros.And bought snacks on our way there we so a random pipe spraying water so we took a picture :)so here are the pictures.

Sunday, August 16

this is officially the cutest kitten in the world ISN'T IT CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG this kitten is adorable i just thought i'd share 'em with everyone so here is the most adorable kitten ever :D

Thursday, July 9

My life plan

Okay so this is my life plan...

i plan on getting a job while i'm in high school

graduating high school with my license

then go to college ,hopefully finding a good

looking man i can spend eternity with, and

getting a degree in something then pursue

my photography career and become successfull

then as a side job to photography be a mom

live in a nice house have all my best friends close

to me meaning contact
obsessively and keep in touch

i will be a commited member of the church of jesus christ
of ladder day saints and grow up to be like my sister holli
who has a amzing husband sweet personality and a bright future
filled with love and blessings :D

that is my life plan <3

Monday, June 1

New moon

so i've heard a lot about new moon and it is comming out november 20th they sell shirts at hot topic and here are some posters

Wednesday, May 6


so i was a loner this year no friends nobody my age it sucked OH!! and i couldn't swim till the last DAY because of my burn. here are pics...

Monday, March 23

Babies, Bonfires, and BURNS

so we had a bonfire the other day and there were lots of people over like the abrews,the pintos,the snells,tysons friend jake whatever his last name is and tyson created this SUPRISE get together ,no idea anyone was coming out,and there were babys GALLORE!but once every body was gone it was just tysons family,morgans family,and my family,and i triped INTO THE FIRE PIT!crazy right? well i can only get it in clean water wich means no boogy boarding or swiming at the beach :( :( :( :( call me to talk to me about it here are some pics


my burn is worse than it looks!

Saturday, March 7

molly babe <3

molly is the most adorable little girl!!! she will knock your freaken socks off how cute she is. you'll never want to leave her alone.

Sunday, February 22

i drew it!!!

i drew this picture for my book report its renemee from breaking dawn tell me what you think! :)

Saturday, January 3

danni and morgans wedding <3

They were so cute.i loved it we played apples to apples after the party poopers left.And we took a bunch of the mini martenelis home lol . i got these pics on my phone