Thursday, July 9

My life plan

Okay so this is my life plan...

i plan on getting a job while i'm in high school

graduating high school with my license

then go to college ,hopefully finding a good

looking man i can spend eternity with, and

getting a degree in something then pursue

my photography career and become successfull

then as a side job to photography be a mom

live in a nice house have all my best friends close

to me meaning contact
obsessively and keep in touch

i will be a commited member of the church of jesus christ
of ladder day saints and grow up to be like my sister holli
who has a amzing husband sweet personality and a bright future
filled with love and blessings :D

that is my life plan <3


Holli said...

Your so sweet i love you so much i hope you accomplish every thing in your plan~!! :)

Gary and Joan said...

Good job ....the only thing is be an eternal wife and mother a side job be a photograper..more fun that way....okay? Love yo lots!